Friday, June 08, 2007


As every good child of the 80s should, I had the distinct privilege of introducing my sons this evening to the wonderful world that is Karate....through this little gem of a cutie, Ralph. I remember thinking in upper elementary and junior high school that "Ralph" was such a weird name for someone so hot....I mean, come on. You can admit it. Every girl in the 80s loved the innocent underdog of the Karate Kid movies, and the soft-wrong-side-of-the-tracks-poetry-loving Johnny Cade. (Honestly, could you name a better all-star cast of that era??????) His film credits are slimming these days (seen here) but that doesn't mean he didn't make my heart go pitter patter as a young girl. Between the Karate Kids and the Rockys and Dick Van Dyke sprinkled with the occasional Disney movie, you've got my complete childhood viewing pleasures. By the way, click on the title of this post. Imagine my delight at the combination of my two favorite movie series!!

Ok, anyway...back to the whole introduction to karate. As you can imagine, my boys were hi-Ya'ing it all over the play room as we all curled up on the floor to watch it together. Each commercial brought its own flurry of fists and kicks and jumps. Evan actually looks like it comes naturally....of course, that means that I was asked about a million times if they could be in karate. I told them they could wax my van....we could hire them out to paint and sand.....It worked for Daniel-son. Why not Luke-son, Drew-son, and Evan-son?

So anyway, it's no surprise that they will probably be doing their best one-lines for a few days complete with kicks, punches, cranes, and all that goes with it.

"Wax on. Wax off."
"Paint the fence."
"You...beginner's luck."
"Either way, problem solved."
"Don't forget to breathe, very important."

Well, until later, "Stay gold."

And for further proof that I spent WAY to much time online tonight and was kidn of bored....feel free to take this quick quiz.

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