Friday, September 22, 2006

Warning to 1st graders around the world...

You've heard the old "If you don't stop making your face like that, it's going to stick that way..." Well, here's a variation for you.... Beware 1st graders around the world!


a. elisabeth said...

ewwwwwwww... did you see that website on my blogspot!?? HOLY COW... i about LOST it when i was looking at that site...
here is another cool site for you, i go to it every sunday :) its weird but cool.
love you much and miss you toooo!!

The Hutsells said...

Yikes Michelle... that's scary!

So glad to hear you didn't drop kick that kid! Let's hope and pray that that's all the intervention the kid needs.

TheGaffords said...

That is absolutely disgusting. Wherever did you find this?