Monday, October 09, 2006

The ride home

Today, I picked up Luke like I do every day from my dad's and Jenny's house. It was obvious that either they had been involved in an age discussion or at the very least, Luke had been thinking. (If this came strictly from his logic, I believe we have a gifted child...for a kindergarten student...) He got in the van and announced, "When Gabriel goes to Kindergarten, I will be 10." I praised him for his math skills, assuming that the discussion had started at my dad's. He then went through the rest of the family and how old they would be when Gabriel reached that magical Kindergarten age, stopping with me. He paused and asked, "Mommy how many will you be when Gabriel is 6." I answered, "34." His first reaction was an incredulous "WHOOOOOAAAA!" He quickly recovered and with as much compassion and sincerity as he could muster, he offered, "Don't worry, Mommy, I'll still love you."

He didn't quite understand my burst of laughter....


TheGaffords said...

Isn't that comforting to know though? Someone will still love you when you're 34! Yeah!

mi*chelle said...

yeah, at my ripe old age....good to know i won't be discarded...

a. elisabeth said...

aww girl please, you already sing better than me you crazy!! And I found postsecret through one of my friends who told me about it. isnt it crazy!? i love sundays because there are new ones up every sunday!